The essential flowers for your vegetable garden

fleurs potager sous serre

When you create your vegetable garden, we recommend that you place a few flowers around it, on the one hand for the decorative aspect of your vegetable garden, but also to allow your vegetables to grow in complete serenity. Indeed, some flowers repel insect pests or slugs, while being attractive to pollinating insects. Here are the 5 essential flowers for your vegetable garden!


Lavender is a melliferous shrub that attracts butterflies when they are in bloom, but also bumblebees and bees. It is planted from February to November, with the obligation to weed and mulch the feet. Its purple flowers will be an added value to color your garden and its fragrance will make you feel directly in the south. This perennial likes well-drained soil and full sun exposure.



Concern :

Marigold belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is to be sown directly in the ground in April and until the end of summer. It is an annual plant which will then be in flower until late autumn, from the first frosts. The benefit of marigold is that it keeps aphids away. We therefore recommend that you place some marigolds next to your vegetables




Nasturtium :

Nasturtium, in addition to being an edible flower, is very easy to maintain. Sowing is done between February and April in buckets, then transplanted 1 month later. The advantage of the nasturtium, in addition to decorating your vegetable garden with its warm color, is that it attracts aphids like a magnet. It is therefore recommended to place a few plants of nasturtiums in your vegetable garden, in order to attract aphids to them and not to the vegetables.






Borage is a honey flower, which requires very little maintenance and grows by itself. It is generous and fertile, allowing abundant flowering from the beginning of spring until the end of autumn. Borage is sown from February in pots and under cover. You can then, from the month of May, plant it in the ground. The advantage of borage is that it reseeds itself spontaneously and will occupy your vegetable garden from year to year. We recognize it thanks to its five petals and its five sepals which will form a small star coloring your vegetable garden with blue, mauve or pink. The advantage of these flowers, due to their generous flowering, is that they attract pollinating insects, such as bees, while being a repellent for slugs and snails. Finally, borage flowers are edible and will decorate your salads wonderfully.


French marigold:

Easy to maintain and with a low need for water, its smell repels insect pests (aphids, flea beetles, whiteflies) allowing your vegetables to grow in complete serenity. In addition, its roots scare away microscopic worms attacking the roots of your plants and weakening them. It is therefore recommended to add it to your garden or vegetable patch, for the protection and well-being of your vegetables. Sown in a greenhouse between February and March, the marigold will germinate between 3 and 20 days and is able to flower from June, quickly taking on the appearance of a small bush.


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